Devoxx (not only the 2013 edition !) takes place in a cinema complex, the Kinépolis. It is the second largest in Europe, the first one is located in Barcelona. Although this complex is also the site of conferences (Devoxx is one of them!) and corporate events, it is primarily a place for the cinema, in which you can even watch films with real actors, with no slides and no live coding (yes, it’s a little disappointing, but it seems that some people like that …). I had the chance to visit the backstage (thank you Stephan), and even if the advent of digital technology has changed the organization of theaters, the atmosphere is still incomparable. So let’s go to a little guided tour, in a place where you’ll hear about picture in picture, terabytes and optical fibers. This not the Cinema Paradiso we all once loved, but still an amazing place !